MarkupTable Release Notes
New:- new layout for Preferences, divided into four areas for a better overview of the respective settings
- new settings for the Classic Table design, for setting the font and the color scheme of the row numbering
- adjusting the column widths functions are now also available for the Classic Table design
- buttons for adjusting the column width of all columns or the currently selected column are now available in both Spreadsheet and Classic Table designs
- menu and keyboard shortcuts to adjust column widths
- column width adjustment now has a dual function, the first trigger adjusts the column to the size of the content, the second one shrinks the column again
- minor internal improvements
- revised some help pages
New:- adjusting the column width to the content of the cells by double-clicking on the column header (only available in spreadsheet mode)
- adjusting the column width to the content of the cells of all columns via the Adjust Columns button in the ribbon bar (only available in spreadsheet mode)
- automatic adjustment of the column width when opening a document. This option must be enabled in MarkupTable Preferences (only available in spreadsheet mode)
- set an alternative font and font size for spreadsheet mode. Setup via the MarkupTable preferences
- new internal Markup parser
New:- new option in the preferences for MultiMarkdown and MarkdownExtra to set the format of the table header
- better behavior of MarkupTable when opening files whose text encoding information is incorrect or not set at all, these files can now be opened
Bug fixes:
- fixes an error which, when attempting to open an unreadable file, lead to the issue that MarkupTable couldn't open files any more until and required a restart of the application
Improvements:- minor adjustments that improve compatibility with newer macOS versions
- various minor adjustments to the user interface
New:- MarkupTable now natively supports Apple Silicon-processors
- some user interface changes for macOS Big Sur
- various internal updates and optimizations
Bug fixes:
- Swift markup converter presets can be used again under macOS Big Sur
- fixes a bug when opening documents if separator detection is set to automatic
- fixes a bug with the web preview when the spreadsheet-design is activated
New:- when opening or importing a CSV file via the open panel, it is now possible to specify the delimiter that should be used for this file (note: when opening via Open Recent-Menu or dock, the last used delimiter will be used)
- when making edits in the CSV area and than changing to other area, automatic delimiter detection is no longer executed, but the current set delimiter is used
Updated:- new display engine implemented for the web preview
- small adjustments to the appearance of the web preview
- minor adjustments to the appearance of the spreadsheet view
- various internal updates
- Markdown parser (Swift version) updated
New:- Spreadsheet-design table view (macOS 10.12 or newer)
- enables easy navigation via arrow keys
- old table view can be activated via the preferences of MarkupTable
- in the help of MarkupTable there is a detailed overview of how to use the table view in spreadsheet-design
- improved behavior when adding rows and columns when multiple rows or columns are selected
- improved selection after duplicating rows or columns
- updated Smark parser (Swift version)
Improvements:- creates more valid HTML tables
- minor internal improvements
- Help system, new display foundation
- Smark parser (Swift version) updated
- Textile parser updated
New:- CSV or Markup table can now be easily copied to the pasteboard via menu command or keyboard shortcut or by clicking the corresponding button in the toolbar
- new alternative markup conversion engine, developed in the Swift programming language, implemented. This can be activated via the Preferences > Use internal Swift version of the markup converter (Beta version: Is in continuous development)
- Smark parser updated
- Textile parser updated
- Help pages updated
- various code areas updated
- small adjustment of the dark design of the web-view
Bug fixes:
- the fullscreen mode can be called again via the familiar keyboard shortcut
- missing text for the error message for the batch filling in the German user interface fixed
- display-bug in the web-view for the Smark language fixed
- Fixed a bug in the automatic row and column creation function, which in certain circumstances created one more line than declared
New:- Rows can be moved up or down using menu or keyboard shortcuts
- Columns can be moved to the left or right using menu or keyboard shortcuts
- Tables can now also be edited in the CSV text area
- New option for the batch fill function to specify if a numbering should be added
- Free selection of several columns which are not next to each other (hold down the Command key and click on the column headers to be selected)
- Batch fill now also possible for several selected columns or rows at the same time
- Delete now also possible for several selected rows or columns at the same time
- Move now also possible for several selected rows or columns at the same time
- Duplicate now also possible for several selected rows or columns at the same time
- Optional row numbering for the CSV and markup view (can be activated via the settings for the textfields)
- Display error in dark mode in the CSV area for the segmented button fixed
- Saving the CSV tables now avoids unnecessary line break at the end of the table
- Save As ... function changed, so that the current document is not automatically closed and its current changes are lost
- Improved display behavior of the row numbering in the table view when multiple rows are selected at the same time
- Smark parser updated
- Help revised
Bug fixes:
- Error fixed for displaying Undo-text in the main menu
Changes:- The keyboard shortcuts for adding rows and columns have been changed to make them easier to use
- Small adjustments when exporting to HTML format
- Minor improvements when importing tables from the clipboard
- MarkupTable natively supports Mojave’s Dark Mode
- BBCode parser updated
- Smark parser updated
Improvements:- MarkupTable can now read CSV files that are not encoded with UTF-8
Bug Fixes:
- fixed a bug that caused the closing quotation mark to be swallowed in cells which contents ends with a quotation mark („) when reading in CSV files
Neu:- neue Zusatzoption beim Speichern von CSV-Dateien, Zellen mit Anführungszeichen versehen, drei verschiedene Modi:
- keine Anführungszeichen für Zellen verwenden
- nur Anführungszeichen verwenden, wenn diese notwendig sind (wenn Trennzeichen oder ein Anführungszeichen im Zelleninhalt vorkommt)
- für alle Zellen Anführungszeichen verwenden
- Import von mit Trenner-Zeichen getrennten Tabellen aus der Zwischenablage und aus den meisten Webseiten. Erreichbar über den Menü-Punkt Ablage > Import von Tabelle aus Zwischenablage
- Import von Tabelle aus einer CSV-Datei, die der bestehenden Tabelle angehängt wird. Erreichbar über den Menü-Punkt Ablage > Import von Tabelle aus CSV-Datei
- Menü-Punkt für das Importieren von Tabellen aus Markup-Dateien hinzugefügt: Erreichbar unter Ablage > Tabelle aus Markup-Datei importieren
- Menü-Punkt für den Export hinzugefügt: Erreichbar unter Ablage > Exportieren als...
- MarkupTable erkennt beim Laden von CSV-Dateien in Anführungszeichen eingeschlossene Zellen als einzelne Zellen, auch wenn in diesen ein Trennzeichen vorkommt
- einige Tooltips für Schaltflächen ergänzt
- beim Import von Tabellen aus Markup-formatierten Dateien ersetzt die importierte Tabelle nicht länger eine bestehende Tabelle, sondern wird am Ende der bestehenden Tabelle angehängt
- behebt einen Fehler beim Schreiben von Textpack-Dateien
- behebt einen Fehler bei der Berechnung benötigter Spalten, die unter gewissen Umständen zu internen Fehlern führen konnten
- behebt einen Fehler, der beim Wiederrufen von Aktionen unter bestimmten Umständen zu einem internen Fehler führte
- behebt einen Fehler, der nach dem Speichern von neuen Dateien dazu führte, dass eine falsche Anzeige produziert wurde
- initial release