MarkMyWords2 Beta 3
The third beta of MarkMyWords2 fixes some annoying bugs, some of which crept into the last version. See the list of changes below for details.
There are no more features planned to be added to this version of MarkMyWords. If further tests won't bring any errors to light, the final version of MarkMyWords2 will be released soon.
Changes in Beta 3
- small adjustments in the preferences pane for Typography
Bug fixes:
- fixes annoying behavior when using Textbundle-files that kept getting the message that another application changed the current file
- fixes an error when displaying attachments if they are in the first Quicksave folder
- fixes a bug when opening documents that are not in a Quicksave folder which causes the preview to be not displayed immediately
- fixes a bug in the display of distraction-free mode if no preference settings have been made for it yet
On the website for MarkMyWords 2 there is a corresponding download link and the page also offers a first look at the new version. Users who have purchased MarkMyWords on the Mac App Store can use this beta version without any restrictions or time limits. All other users can test this version for 30 days without any restrictions.
So much for today, I hope you enjoy trying out MarkMyWords 2.
Until next time!