

MarkMyWords 2.7.0 Released

MarkMyWords 2.7.0 is available now on the Mac App Store!

This update of MarkMyWords offers various improvements and bug fixes for the internal markup parser as well as two new features that can be a good help when working with texts.

First, the spelling and grammar checker from LanguageTool.org has been integrated into MarkMyWords. This offers a significant gain over the checker integrated in macOS and can be a noticeable support when working with texts. This new feature is located in the preview area and can be activated by clicking the corresponding button in the ribbon bar above the preview.

The second new feature in this update is the Inline CriticMarkup function, which can be activated via the menu item Markup > Inline CriticMarkup, preferably via the keyboard shortcut ⌃P, thus making it possible to apply CriticMarkup to selected text fast.

All details about this update can be found in the list of changes.

The complete list of changes:


Bug fixes:

General improvements:

MultiMarkdown improvements:

Markdown, MarkdownExtra, MultiMarkdown enhancements:

Textile improvements:

Smark bug fixes:

Important Links:

Purchase MarkMyWords at the Mac App Store

Download the Demo Version of MarkMyWords

MarkMyWords Overview

MarkMyWords Release Notes

Until next time!